Tuesday, July 13, 2010

PWN's short story contest about Paris: Deadline November 30 2010

Paris Writers News is launching its first contest for the Best and Most Delightful Stories aboutParis
Twelve stories will be selected for publication in a collection of short stories about Paris.
Love, hate, expectation, desire, dreams, discovery and disappointment in the world’s most beautiful city. All themes, periods and approaches will be considered.
What we’re looking for: a great story, well-told. Humor, wit and luminous prose, please apply!
All authors welcome, published and unpublished.
Ten euro entry fee.
Submission by email, in text of mail.
Deadline for submission: November 30, 2010
After a preselection by the Editorial Committee, twelve distinguished judges from the literary community will each select one story for publication.
The Best and Most Delightful Stories about Paris will be published in paperback, e-book and POD in the fall of 2011.

For more info and contest updates, go to Paris Writers News.

To submit your short story, please send your text IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL (no attachments, no links) to  : pariswritersnews  AT  gmail  DOT  com
We accept payment through Paypal;   (click on "ajouter au panier" which means "add to basket" )