Friday, September 6, 2013

New stories from Julia Lichtblau, winner of the Editorial Committee Prize

Julia Lichtblau, winner of the Best Paris Stories Editorial Committee Prize to publish new stories in Narrative Magazine and The Florida Review.

 The Ivory Hotel, will be published Oct. 7 in Narrative Magazine, and  Foreign Service, is coming out in The Florida Review. The story, Circus, was a finalist in Narrative Magazine's Winter 2013 Story Contest!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came across the "Paris Stories" link on in a listing of November contest deadlines.

    I've tried and tried, and cannot find a "contact" link on the Paris site for more info.

    Could you help me with info or a link?

    Thanks so much, sincerely,


    ps - posted this same comment on another article here in hopes of reaching someone, my apologies for duplicating
