Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Last Submissions for Best Paris Stories Ebook Cover contest!

Last day for submissions to the Cover Contest for Best Paris Stories !  Here are the latest additions to the many excellent designs we have received from talented artists. Might one of these be the cover? Many thanks to the fine graphic artists for their excellent work: William Busch, Micheal Dekel, Jonathan Freedman, Margo Berdeshevsky, Lee E. Shilo, Naofimi Hojin, Pascal Nocquet, Lydia D'moch, Ryssa Mae Allercon, Sophie Ren, Louisa Gioffre Suziki, Bas Zwigtman,  Sarah Nocquet, Sharon Watts, and Bob Bouwense. We invite you to enjoy their creativity and watch this space for more …

Naofimi Hojin  2

Bas Zwigtman

Sharon Watts

Pascal Nocquet

Bob Bouwense

Sarah Nocquet

Lydia D'moch 1

Naofimi Hojin

Lydia D'moch 2

William Busch

Ryssa Mae Alercon

Sophie Ren

Margo Berdeshevsky 1

Louisa Gioffre Suzuki

Micheal Dekel

Jonathan Freedman

Margo Berdeshevsky 2

Lee E. Shilo

Jonathan Freedman

Margo Berdeshevsky 3


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. when will the finalists be announced?

  3. when will the finalists be announced?
